Thursday, August 28, 2014


So I've been bad and have not written. I feel bad because when I started this blog, I did it with the intention of using it as my own personal journal. I really don't have any excuse because nothing time-consuming has happened...yet.

Anyways, this is what's new with me and what I will probably be talking about in the next few posts to come.

I have started two new shows, one on Netflix and one on Hulu Plus. Both originals. The Netflix one is called House of Cards with my main squeeze Kevin Spacey. I.Love.It. I think it was my aunt and uncle who told me about the show and I have always meant to watch, but I get distracted with other originals like Orange is the New Black or Hemlock Grove. Both of those shows are amazing by the way. Anyhow, I love the show so far and I am not going to binge watch this one, I am going to take me time and just enjoy it. The second show is in Hulu Plus (which is an amazing app) and it's called ManhAttan. Yes, the "A" is supposed to be capitalized. This show, I watch with my FIANCÉ* and we love it. We watch one episode every night and then we talk about what we thought about the show. The show is about the building of the Atomic bomb. It's extremely interesting and not necessarily fast-paced, but full of drama and suspense.

So that's has been what I have been doing for the past couple of days. It's pretty boring. All I do is stay at home, ALONE, and watch shows. It sounds like vacation, but it's not. It's sad, boring and lonely. I get lazy and sometimes, I just stay in my pajamas. I was getting tired of it, so I decided to get a job. I tried getting a receptionist job and then an administrative job, but being stuck at a desk with no one to talk to is not appealing work to me. So I decided to stick to what I know and get a serving job. I love working in fast paced restaurants and talking to people and just always doing something. I have an interview Friday and if all goes well, I start Saturday. I am really excited about this and so is my fiancé. He has been the one working so far and now that I am going to be working, he gets to quit his job and just focus on getting in shape for the Navy and studying for Basic. Wish me luck!

*someone left a comment saying I have been spelling fiancé wrong and I felt like an idiot. Now I know the proper way to write it. Thank you anonymous commenter!

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