Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Mean People

This morning when I was looking at my Facebook, I found this video and I just had to talk about it. If you are someone who has met me or had seen pictures of me, you know that I am overweight. I always have. Of course there are times in my life, like now, where I am bigger than I have been before, but I have never been "wear a bikini and don't worry about it" thin. For the most part, I have been comfortable with myself, but recently, like I said earlier, I haven't been because this is the biggest I have ever been. I am working towards correcting it with diet and excerise, but I will never be "skinny" and I am okay with that. I love my curves. However, the man in this video, like other people in my life before, don't have a clue. When I was younger, everytime a girl in school didn't like me or a boy wanted to make fun of me, they called me fat. Always. They didn't know me, they didn't know who I was. All they saw was a few extra pounds and they judged me. They said, get on a diet. They didn't know I was on one. They said, do some excerise, they didn't know I was doing cheerleading and soccer 5x a week. They said you are not losing weight because you are lazy. They didn't know I wasn't losing weight because I have a hormone imbalance that requires medication. This video very clearly and accurately describe this. People are quick to judge, but unless you are that person, you have no idea why people are the way they are. Furthermore, if I am fat because I over eat, don't excerise and am just plain lazy, who are you, a stranger, to make me feel bad about myself or point something out to me, I see everyday. That isn't to say close people, like my family in this case, can't tell me in a supportive way "Hey, this isn't you, let me help you lose this weight." Anyways, that's my morning rant, enjoy the video!

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