Sunday, August 31, 2014

Job! Job! Job!

I got the job! Yay! I am super excited to finally get out of the house, make some money of my own and most importantly, GETTING OUT OF THE HOUSE! Anyways, I start next Satuarday and I'm extremely happy. Wish me luck.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Quick Thought

I've been doing a lot of research about the Navy lately and what it's going to be like for Michael when  he goes to basic training. His recruiter has this great video about what the first day of basic will look like and so I decided to watch it.

Honestly, I thought it was going to be more physically exhausting, but it's actually a lot of studying and remembering. Also, I was under the impression that we were going to have more contact. I know he won't have his cellphone, but I thought there would be more constant communication (email, letters, collect calls?). I found out he is only allowed to call one person two times. Once, when he gets there for like a minute and then again in a few weeks to tell me when and what time his graduation is.

I keep saying I want him to leave and I do, but I guess I forget that I won't be able to see, talk, or touch him for 2 and a half months. I mean, during out relationship, we have been long distance, but at least then I could call him or text him whenever I wanted. It's definitely going to be hard not being able to do that, but I know in the end, all of this will be worth it.


So I've been bad and have not written. I feel bad because when I started this blog, I did it with the intention of using it as my own personal journal. I really don't have any excuse because nothing time-consuming has happened...yet.

Anyways, this is what's new with me and what I will probably be talking about in the next few posts to come.

I have started two new shows, one on Netflix and one on Hulu Plus. Both originals. The Netflix one is called House of Cards with my main squeeze Kevin Spacey. I.Love.It. I think it was my aunt and uncle who told me about the show and I have always meant to watch, but I get distracted with other originals like Orange is the New Black or Hemlock Grove. Both of those shows are amazing by the way. Anyhow, I love the show so far and I am not going to binge watch this one, I am going to take me time and just enjoy it. The second show is in Hulu Plus (which is an amazing app) and it's called ManhAttan. Yes, the "A" is supposed to be capitalized. This show, I watch with my FIANCÉ* and we love it. We watch one episode every night and then we talk about what we thought about the show. The show is about the building of the Atomic bomb. It's extremely interesting and not necessarily fast-paced, but full of drama and suspense.

So that's has been what I have been doing for the past couple of days. It's pretty boring. All I do is stay at home, ALONE, and watch shows. It sounds like vacation, but it's not. It's sad, boring and lonely. I get lazy and sometimes, I just stay in my pajamas. I was getting tired of it, so I decided to get a job. I tried getting a receptionist job and then an administrative job, but being stuck at a desk with no one to talk to is not appealing work to me. So I decided to stick to what I know and get a serving job. I love working in fast paced restaurants and talking to people and just always doing something. I have an interview Friday and if all goes well, I start Saturday. I am really excited about this and so is my fiancé. He has been the one working so far and now that I am going to be working, he gets to quit his job and just focus on getting in shape for the Navy and studying for Basic. Wish me luck!

*someone left a comment saying I have been spelling fiancé wrong and I felt like an idiot. Now I know the proper way to write it. Thank you anonymous commenter!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Sweet Love

Michael and I have been dating for almost 3 and a half years now. We met at the end of 10th grade, dated all throughout 11th grade, dated long distant for all of 12th grade and then we started living with each other June of last year. It hasn't always been easy, but I couldn't imagine not being with Michael. If you know him, the first thing you notice about him is his good looks for one :), but apart from that, his humor. He is honestly, the funniest person I have ever met and I have met some pretty hilarious people. He doesn't try to be anything he is not, he knows exactly who he is. He is really smart too and not just book smart either (which he is as well) but also street smart. I really believe that if he was dropped off in an entirely new city with nothing but the clothes on his back, he would not only survive, but prosper. I know I am making him sound like a saint, but by no means is he a saint. He has flaws, but for some reason, his flaws seem so minuscule to all of his great qualities.

On top of all of that, he has one more quality that is one of my favorite ones. He is sweet. Yeah, yeah, cliche. Aw, he's so sweet. I know, everyone says it, but he truly is sweet.

He remembers what I tell him. He try's to make me happy every chance he gets. We both know he can't go out and buy me whatever I want, but he does try to do 100 small things that add up to be one amazing fiancée.

Here's a story that'll probably sound silly to people who will read it, but it honestly was one of the many times that Michael has shown me how sweet and kind he really is.

We were driving somewhere, I can't remember where, and we stopped in a gas station to pump gas (duh) and get something to drink. I didn't go inside, of course, I never do, so Michael asked me what I wanted. I said just a diet coke. He came out of the gas station and he gave me the diet coke and told me that it was one of those that had my name on it. I really don't know why I was so excited, but then again, who doesn't like having things with their name on it. I turned it around and the name on it was Ryan. He laughed and then I laughed, I mean, it was a joke. It was pretty funny too because I was so excited and my face when I found out it wasn't my name was probably priceless, but at the same time, I think he saw I was actually a tiny bit disappointed. I got over it in a couple of seconds, I mean, it was a friggin' coke with my name on it. It wasn't a big deal. Anyways, two night ago, I was making myself a ceasar salad and I forgot the croutons. It was like 10 at night and I asked Michael to drive to the store to get them for me. I really didn't think he was going to do it, but he did, like the best fiancée in the world he is, and left for the store. When he came back, he gave me the croutons and a diet coke with my name on it.

I was so happy. I was beside myself. I don't think he really understood why I was so happy though. I mean, I don't even know. It's a COKE! Nonetheless, I was still really happy and more importantly, touched. It may seem small to some, I guess it's just the idea that Michael, one thought, she probably would like a diet coke, and two, try to find me one with my name on it. 

The moral of the story and this long blog post is, my Michael is truly the best. To all those who have said I am making a mistake for marrying so young or who didn't think Michael was good enough, who cares what you think? Michael is EVERYTHING I want in someone that I want to spend my life with. His mom calls us soul mates. I used to think the idea of a soul mate was stupid. How could there only be one person in the whole world who is compatible with you to the point of spending all of time together? Well, let me just take those words back because that is exactly what Michael is to me. He is my best friend, my lover, my enemy, all in one. He makes me crazy mad, crazy happy, crazy passionate, and sometimes just crazy. I love my life with him. I don't think it's going to be all rainbows and gum drops, I know we will struggle, but that is what will make us stronger.

"Eat with the ones you starve with."

We will struggle with money, with our marriage, with our kids, with leaving the cereal out and it getting stale. But at the end, we will look back on our life and not think, maybe we should've waited a few more years, but instead, "Wow, what a beautiful, full, great life we had."

Monday, August 18, 2014

My Weekend

So I haven't posted anything since Thursday and that's honestly because I just didn't feel like posting anything...BUT this is how my weekend went.

Friday: I had a job interview for a receptionist position at a local college. I think the interview went well, but I will find out tomorrow if I got the job or not. After the interview, Michael and I dropped his mom off at work and then went home, ate take-out with his brother and watched a really cute movie (Nut Job).

Saturday: Darius, Michael's younger brother, was leaving to go back home with his dad the next day so we wanted to do something fun! We thought about going to a state park, or a water park, but we ended up going to a family fun center where there was laser tag, paintball, arcade games, and a rock wall! It was a lot of fun and the pizza was awesome.

Sunday: Michael, Darius, and Michelle (Michael's mom), went to a birthday lunch for Michael's uncle, Lawrence, birthday. We went to Joe's Crabshack, which was not my first choice since I HATE seafood, but we went and it was okay. The wait was horrible, the place was short-staffed, and for Michelle, the food was terrible. But it was nice to see Michael's family and talk about Lawrence's upcoming wedding which we are invited to (SUPER EXCITED ABOUT THAT!). After lunch, we hit the road to Kansas City, MO to drop Darius off to his dad. The drive was about 3 hours, but it wasn't too bad. Michael drove the whole way there and we listened to his music the way there. I have never met Michael's dad's side if the family before so I was kinda excited. We got to the house, Michael went inside to see his family whom he hasn't seen in about a year or so. Later, Michael's aunts came out to the car to say hi to me and his mom. They were extremely sweet and very welcoming. We said our goodbye's and headed back to Nebraska. We got home around 1 am. It was a nice trip and it was good spending those three hours with Darius!

Monday: Today was a weird day. It was the first day all summer, not having Darius here, which was sad for us, but heartbreaking for Michelle. I can't even imagine not having your son with you everyday. But, as hard as it is, we will adjust. Michael and I took his laptop to a repair shop to run some diagnostic stuff on it. It looks like it's going to cost us 130 to fix it, but it's better than spending 400-700 on a new one. After that, we picked up Michelle, and made some returns. After that, we went home to change and then we went back out to Target to pick up stuff for dinner. Then we went home and now I am awake and writing this blog while Michael is sleeping.

So, that's my weekend. It sucks I have to just sum it up because some pretty funny/sad stuff happened in between, but I don't wan't to sit here and write a post for each day all at once. From now on, I will not let this much time go by without writing. Thanks for reading, happy blogging!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Standing Still.

So far, nothing has moved with Michael and Navy. They said December 22nd, but that could change depending on availability.

I have not found anything out about my health problems. I am waiting to hear back from a GI doctor in the area.

The old friend I connected with hasn't responded to my last reply which could mean we are done talking or maybe she's just busy. I don't want to obsess over it because I am just going to get sad about it.

So pretty much, NOTHING HAS HAPPENED. I am living in a boring town, talking to boring people, living a boring life (if you can even call it that). I am so tired of it. Sometimes I feel like it was a mistake to leave the east coast. I mean, Michael and I could've been doing the same stuff we are doing here, over there, except over there, we had friends and we went out, and we had more fun. I don't mean to be ungrateful to his family here because they have helped us so much, but I just feel stuck. I feel like there is no fun in my life. I hate feeling that way because I know Michael thinks it's his fault and it's not. It's mine. I let my life revolve around one person. I dropped everything and focused on him. Now, he is doing it for me by joining the Navy to give us a good life. I just don't want us to resent each other at the end of this.

Anyways, that's my depressed and sad thought for the day.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Mean People

This morning when I was looking at my Facebook, I found this video and I just had to talk about it. If you are someone who has met me or had seen pictures of me, you know that I am overweight. I always have. Of course there are times in my life, like now, where I am bigger than I have been before, but I have never been "wear a bikini and don't worry about it" thin. For the most part, I have been comfortable with myself, but recently, like I said earlier, I haven't been because this is the biggest I have ever been. I am working towards correcting it with diet and excerise, but I will never be "skinny" and I am okay with that. I love my curves. However, the man in this video, like other people in my life before, don't have a clue. When I was younger, everytime a girl in school didn't like me or a boy wanted to make fun of me, they called me fat. Always. They didn't know me, they didn't know who I was. All they saw was a few extra pounds and they judged me. They said, get on a diet. They didn't know I was on one. They said, do some excerise, they didn't know I was doing cheerleading and soccer 5x a week. They said you are not losing weight because you are lazy. They didn't know I wasn't losing weight because I have a hormone imbalance that requires medication. This video very clearly and accurately describe this. People are quick to judge, but unless you are that person, you have no idea why people are the way they are. Furthermore, if I am fat because I over eat, don't excerise and am just plain lazy, who are you, a stranger, to make me feel bad about myself or point something out to me, I see everyday. That isn't to say close people, like my family in this case, can't tell me in a supportive way "Hey, this isn't you, let me help you lose this weight." Anyways, that's my morning rant, enjoy the video!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Maria Zelaya and the Mysterious Scar Mystery

First let me start off by explaining my title. I was in the car with my fiancée today when I was talking to him about my blog. He asked me what some of my titles were. I told him the first few and he just looked at me.

"Babe, those titles suck!"

I was so hurt. Suck? How can they suck? Anyways, I brushed it off and left it alone. Then right now, before writing this blog, I thought back to my conversation with my fiancée and it really bothered me that he thought my titles were sucky. I mean, a title is what makes people interested in something in the first place. I want to grab readers. So I started thinking about what my topic today was and how I can be creative with that. Let me know what you think and if you got the reference. Hint: it's has something to do with David A. Adler .

March 21st 1995 I was born to my mother and father, Roxana Borjas and Franklin Zelaya in Tehucigalpa, Honduras. I was the second born to my mother and the first, to my father. I weighed about 7 1/2 pounds and I'm not exactly sure how many inches long. I was healthy and I was able to go home the next day. When I came home, everything was fine the first couple days, but after about two weeks my mom began to worry about me. I was vomiting quite a bit, my stool was pale and chalky, I had jaundice, and I became very colicky. She took me to the doctor and after a lot of test, they told my mom I had a very rare disease and that I was going to need surgery. At 19 days old, I underwent major surgery and fortunely, everything went fine. After the surgery, they told my parents I would need to stay in the hospital for a few months. After about 3 months, I was allowed to go home. Three years later, my family emigrated to the States and all that was left of that life threatening surgery was a distant memory and an unflattering scar across my stomach.


When I turned 14, I started high school and I became increasingly aware of my body. I've always seen the scar, but until now, for some reason, I never questioned it. I was looking in the mirror after taking a shower and I started thinking that I didn't even know exactly why I had this ugly scar across my body. I hated it. I have always been chubby and so I thought that scar just made me look like I had a huge roll on me when in reality, I didn't. Anyways, I got dressed and went out to the living room to talk to my mom. Man oh man, if that wasn't the more frustrating conversation ever, then I don't know what is. Basically, she told me that I had a rare and dangerous disease that had to do with my liver. I had surgery, stayed in the hospital and the disease sounded something like this: ek-te-ri-si-ah.

Thanks mom. I am so glad you were on top of things.

I tried to put Google to good use and find out as much as I can from the little information I was given. I found absolutely nothing. I looked for months, I even tried asking my pediatrician and still nothing. I gave up after a while and just thought that if all that is left of that horrible disease is this scar, than I can live with that.


When I was 18 years old I got engaged to my fiancée Michael. When we were making plans for our future of course the topic of kids came up. I told him I have a condition called PCOS and I also have a thyroid problem which makes it difficult to have kids. I can still have them, it will just take a little extra work, but that's for another post. Anyways, that conversation got me thinking about how my scar would react to my expanding skin. This thought sparked my interest, again, on my mysterious scar. Hoping that my mom might've left something out since our last conversation, I called her and asked about the disease again. She told me again, what she had told me before. I was disappointed, but I didn't let that stop me from still trying to investigate. This time when I started researching, instead of typing in what my mom thought was the name of the disease, I just searched for rare, childhood liver diseases. I found a couple things, but the one that really sounded like the disease I had (i.e symptoms, rarity, age diagnosed) I tried to find everything I knew about that particular disease. What I found really was crazy. It is honestly a miracle I survived this long without any medication, regular doctor visits, and/or a liver transplant. The condition is called Biliary Atresia (I guess it sounds like ek-te-ri-si-ah). Here is what the American Liver Foundation has to say about Biliary Atresia or BA for short:

Biliary atresia is a disease of the bile ducts that affects only infants. Bile is a digestive liquid that is made in the liver. It travels through the bile ducts to the small intestine, where it helps digest fats.
In biliary atresia, the bile ducts become inflamed and blocked soon after birth. This causes bile to remain in the liver, where it starts to destroy liver cells rapidly and cause cirrhosis, or scarring of the liver.

There is no cure for BA, the only treatment is a surgery that leaves a large scar on your stomach called a Kasai Procedure. A Kasai procedure replaces the bile ducts outside the liver with the length of the baby's own intestines creating a new bile duct, ultimately trying to achieve bile flow from the liver into the intestines. About 80% of the time this surgery is with partially or fully successful. Most people, however, will need a liver transplant by the age of 20, regardless if the Kasai was completed successfully. This disease can never be cured and is something you will always have to deal with. After reading all the information on this disease, I started to feel so silly for worrying about the scar. I'm sure that people with BA, that's the last thing on there mind. I mean, a transplant by 20? That's insane. I am 19 and I have not once been to a doctors for any follow up. Don't get me wrong, I've met people through BA support groups and BA awareness groups who have also not had any complications since their Kasai and stopped medications the same time I did, but they get regular check ups with GI doctors. How could my mother not know this? How could she be so negligent about something so serious? Whenever I tell someone who has BA or has a baby who has BA they are immediately concerned that I don't have regular check ups. After finding out so much about BA, I think it's time for an appointment with a doctor to confirm my suspicions of actually having BA. And if I don't have BA, maybe they will be able to tell me what I did have and why was a Kasai performed on me. Until then, I'm just happy I am alive. Happy Blogging!

Me when I was 10! See the scar?

P.S my kasai scar is different from most peoples scars. I have met a few other people who's scar is like mine and they don't know why it is either. I guess it depends on the surgeon.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Old Best Friend

A couple of days ago, an old friend of mine got in contact with me. She was my very best friend for a big part of my life and I loved her friendship so much. Towards the end of my sophomore year in high school, we began to drift apart. Nothing particularly happened, it was just something that happened. That summer, she lost someone very close to her and all I wanted to do was be there for her. I found myself unsure how to handle the situation, do I treat her as if we have been drifting apart or do I set that aside and just comfort her as if we were our normal best friend selves? I look back and I think I chose wrong. I let the awkwardness of our relationship get in the way of how I treated her during this time of her loss. The anniversary of the loss is soon approaching and with her and I back in touch, again I find myself in a similar situation. Do I mention the anniversary like I would normally do if we were best friends or do I let it go unnoticed because we are not at that level of familiarity yet?  I guess I will know what to do when the moment happens. Apart from how to handle the anniversary of the loss, I also feel like I shouldn't be happy that we are talking again. I want to be, but this isn't the first time we have gotten in touch after not talking. We talk for a while, I get my hopes up and then it stops, just like that. Every time it happens, I get sad, and I just make myself believe that our friendship is truly over. Once I believe that, for some reason or another, she comes back into my life. Sometimes I feel like saying "Make up your mind" but I stop myself because at the end of the day, nothing would make me happier than to have my old best friend back. I know it won't be instant, but someday I really hope I can, again, be to her the thing she was to me, a sister. Only time can tell if this time we will keep it up. I really do hope so. Happy Blogging!

Where my girls at?

I spend a good portion of yesterday searching for Navy blogs. I have found some great Army and Marine ones, but I have yet to stumble across a really great Navy wife blog that is current and updated regularly. I hope to find some soon, I plan on looking some more today. If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them. Thanks, happy blogging.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

S'mores G'lore!

Today has been an interesting day! Now, this blog, like I had said before is a place for me to talk about my day, whether military related or not and today it is not. Today, my blog is about s'mores and my incredibly frustrating experience with them.

Yesterday, around 9:30pm, I got the sudden urge to eat s'mores. Unfortunately, I dont live in the woods nor do I have a fire pit. I do, however have a grill where I can burn charcoal and have me some delicious s'mores. I told my sweet and patient fiancée that I would like to have a s'mores party with him and his younger brother visiting from Virginia and so off to our local Target we went. We picked up all the necessary items: Honey Maid graham crackers, Hersey chocolate, and JetPuffed marshmallows (the big ones).

While we were there, we found ourselves in a conversation with two of the kind Target employees. We told them about our s'mores party and how we were going to use our grill and they asked why a grill? Apparently, there are a lot of ways you can make s'mores, easier ways at that. You can put then in the oven with the broiler on, you can put them in the microwave, you can put the oven at 400 degrees and put them on a cookie sheet or you can make them over a fire on a grill. I mean, a microwave, seriously?

If I had known all of these ways, I would have made them all the time when I lived at home with my parents in a very city-like apartment.

We went home and decided it was too late to make s'mores and also, we forgot that we had loaned to charcoal to Michael's grandpa. We also forgot to get the long bamboo skewers, so my s'more party will just have to wait until tomorrow.

This afternoon, we went over to Michael's grandfathers house and picked up the charcoal and later in the evening, we went to Target to pick up the long bamboo skewers. Yes! My s'more party was finally going to happen. We get home, get all the s'more ingredients out and start to assemble the coal on the grill. Once all the stuff was out and the charcoal was on the grill, we start trying to light it. We try like 3x before we try lighting a paper towel first and then putting it on top of the charcoal. It worked! Well, sort of. It only lit two or three of the charcoals out of like 10-15 of them and on top of that, the two or three that did light, went out in a matter of minutes. We repeat the paper towel method two more times before trying cardboard. That had the same effect as the paper towels, except the cardboard lasted longer and it didn't ignite any charcoal. At this point, we have been trying to light the charcoal for about 20 minutes. Finally, we call Michael's grandfather who, last Saturday, lit the charcoal with no problem. He told us to use newspaper and if that didn't work, get some lighter fluid. Michael wanted to go straight for the lighter fluid, but with the charcoal we had, it said not to use any because it was supposed to, and I use supposed to, light without any lighter fluid. So with convincing from me, we use the newspaper. And yes, it did NOT work. Big surprise there! Right about now, I am cold, there are bugs everywhere, and everywhere around me smells like burned paper. Michael suggests using the broiler on in the oven. No, of course not, I want real, authentic s'mores, roasted over a real fire. My sweet and patient fiancée then decides we are going to use lighter fluid.

We drive over to the local Walmart and buy the lighter fluid. I think at this point, it wasn't so much about the s'mores, but just the satisfaction of getting the fire to start. We get back home, drench the coal and newspaper with lighter fluid and light it. HUGE flames come up. YES, we did it! No, we really didn't. The flames quickly died down and so we added more lighter fluid. Again, huge flames, this time so big that a piece of newspaper escapes the grill and falls on the ground. But again, like the last fire, it too died down quickly. Michael started eating the chocolate. He was done. He conceded to the fire. S'mores were not going to happen tonight. We cleaned up and went inside.

After a couple of minutes, when the frustration went away, I walked over to the oven, turned it to broil, and stuck a marshmallows on my skewer and started roasting it. The came out wonderful. 

Through this experience, I learned something very valuable that I will need in this crazy navy life; Sometimes in life things won't go your way and you are gonna have to suck it up and be creative. This lesson, fortunately, was small and easlily fixed. Maybe next time, it won't be so easy, but with the help and support of my loving fiancée, I think I will be able to handle anything the Navy and life throws at me. Thanks for reading, happy blogging. 

Friday, August 8, 2014

Ready, Set, Go!

Contrary to my blog name, I'm not actually a Navy Wife...yet. I am, however a future sailor's fiancée. Whew! Man oh man does it feel good to be able to say that. It's been quite and bumpy and long journey for us. But we got through it all and now all we have to do is hurry up and wait for him to leave for Basic.

I won't go into details of just how long or how bumpy our journey is, but I will give a recap. Here goes nothing:

Michael and I began dating in 2011. He moved to Nebraska in 2012. We did long distance until 2013 when he moved back to Virginia with me. We then had to go back to Nebraska due to personal issues in November 2013. In January 2014, he decided to join the Air Force. Due to irreconcilable differences with his recruiter, he decided to begin this process with the Navy in July 2014. Finally, as of August 5th, 2014, Michael became apart of the Delayed Entry Program making him a future sailor. 

It has honestly been quite a ride, but I am so proud of my baby. He is super excited and even though we are going to be apart again for an extended period of time, I am there supporting him every step of the way.

As for me not being a wife yet, well, rest assure that once he is in A School, we will begin the process to get married. As for this blog, I really wanted something where I will be able to write and talk about my day and where I can talk about the joys and struggles of being a young Military Spouse and moreover, a Navy Wife.

My gorgeous fiancée and I :)