Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Cupcakes and Sprinkles

...SO. You see what had happened was... I forgot. I need to get in the habit of writing everyday and so far, it's hasn't stuck. BUT I will keep trying. Maybe writing every day is too hard. Maybe once a week..or least 4 times a year. I kid.

Any who, I am writing to report, I am no longer going to be living in Nebraska anymore. It's been real, but due to personal issues, it's time to move it along to Virginia! Mama, I'm coming home! But fo'real, I am coming home mom. I will be staying with ma mom and pops during Michael's training and school. It will be a tail-between-the-legs thing, but my mom and dad are very understanding people and know that sometimes sh*t happens and plans change.

On the plus side, I love my HUGE family and will definitely love time with them and also, living there, practically free, will allow me to go to school full time and save for a car.

I leave for Virginia on Thursday and I'm just happy to be taking a step in right directions. As for my babycakes, he too, will meet me in Virginia, but not at my parents house this time, but at his Dad's. It'll be just like high school! *face palm*. But we will make it work, just like we always do. But, that's all for now. Gotta go to my last day of work tomorrow. Maybe there will be cake. Here's to wishful thinking!