Sunday, November 30, 2014

New Chapter

So. Here we are again. Up until now, nothing in my life was really worth writing about. No new job, no new house, no new anything. But that's okay. I have been completely okay just getting back into the rhythm of living with my parents again and only seeing Michael SOMETIMES. And I think for the most part, we have been doing a good job at balancing time with our respective families and time with each other before he ships out.

Well, "SHIP OUT" date is finally here. Today, I took Michael to his recruiter's station so he and other recruits can drive down to Richmond, stay in a hotel, and get ready to leave for RTC tomorrow. I have to say, it was a WHOLE lot harder than I thought it would be. I mean, it's not like we haven't been without each other before. We dated for an entire year living over 1100 miles away from each other. So why was this harder? Really, I'm asking, why? All I know is that this is the first of many hard and sad "see you later"s.

On the flip side, I am not only super sad to have had to say goodbye, but also very happy and excited for him. I mean, this is the start of his ADULT life. It's the start of our life together and no matter how hard it was for us to say goodbye today, it just means it'll be a sweeter hello down the road. He will learn new things and become the sailor he's been aching to become this past year and I couldn't be prouder.

Now with Michael gone, I can finally do what I wanted to do with this blog when I started it in the first place. Write everyday (or at least every week) about my experience being with someone who is becoming a service member. I'm really excited and kinda scared about this new chapter in our lives and hopefully with this blog, I will be able to get support from others who have gone through or are going through I am about to face. That's all, thanks for reading.